This resource has been developed by Xtreem Print and Display to
outline our requirements for DVD master submission, as well as clarify some
important copyright and royalty issues.

DLT tape drive (use type III or VI tape)
DVD-R drive
What must I supply as a
DVD master? When you give us your master, it must be completely ready for
production as we copy the masters ‘as is’. We assume that you have gone through
all the process of data testing, video quality, sound quality, menus and
software functionality.
Please note that copying files to a DLT tape or a DVD-R disc
is not the same as mastering discs. Common mastering software includes: DVD
Studio Pro (Apple), Sonic DVD Creator, Sonic DVD Fusion, Sonic Scenarist and
Sonic Reel DVD.
Conversely, if you simply have a video that you would like put
onto DVD but don’t have the time or resources, we can do it for you! Xtreem
Technology offer video encoding and
authoring services to make it simple for you.
accepted for DVD masters
There are different types of DVDs and the media accepted for a
DVD-5 is different from the media accepted for a DVD-9.
Please do not send the only copy of your master! Keep a backup
copy for yourself in case of disaster. Xtreem Technology are not responsible for
damage or loss to a master in transit or data corruption discovered during the
glass mastering process.
We accept a DLT tape or a DVD-R disc. We can also accept an
unencrypted DVD replica, as long as we have proof of copyright authorisation.
We accept DLT tape only. Each layer must be on a separate
tape, meaning you must supply two tapes. We can also accept an unencrypted DVD-9
replica, as long as we have proof of copyright authorisation.
DVD Disc Encryption
As a security measure to make DVDs more difficult to copy,
many long run DVD videos are encrypted. The two major encryption schemes are CSS
encryption and Macrovision.
CSS Encryption
CSS is an acronym for Content Scrambling System and is
intended to prevent the copying of digital video files directly from the DVD
disc. This encryption scheme will prevent the casual user from a DVD on their
computer. Like all encryption schemes, this method is not infallible. Software
is readily available to allow hackers or pirates to copy an encrypted disc.
For projects that require CSS encryption, we only accept DLT
tapes. Although you can supply a DLT tape already CSS encrypted, in most cases
it will be supplied without encryption. Xtreem Technology will then add
encryption during our glass mastering process. Your project will incur
additional mastering fees for CSS encryption.
The Macrovision Analogue Copy Protection System (ACP) prevents
the copying from a DVD to VHS by making pictures noisy and unstable when
converted to the analogue video format used by VHS. This is a very effective
system when applied to VHS; however it does not prevent copying from DVD to
DVD-R on a PC.
Macrovision must be implemented by the author during the
authoring process. You must pay a per disc licensing fee for the ACP by
contacting Macrovision and completing a usage agreement with Macrovision. You
will then be supplied with a contract that allows you to produce the licensed
number of discs using their ACP. Xtreem Technology’s licensed DVD manufacturing
facility will report to Macrovision the volume of discs produced for your order
so that you can be billed appropriately.
Anti Piracy
Compliance Program
Xtreem Technology respects and supports the copyrights of
others. We insist on written documentation that you have the legal rights to
replicate the information on your DVD product. We also require that you complete
the Intellectual Property Rights Form and Indemnification Letter for all
projects. Some projects might require additional information.
Patents and Royalties
The ‘basic’ manufacturing royalties paid to the companies that
hold the patents associated with the replication process are included in our DVD
price list. To avoid the possibility of legal prosecution, fines and seizure of
your product you should ensure that your DVD and CDs are manufactured by a fully
licensed replicator. Xtreem Technology manufacturing facilities are fully
Additional royalties may be required depending on the features
used in the software of your disc. Examples of additional royalties include:
- - MPEG LA (if MPEG compression is used)
- - Dolby (if Dolby sound processing is used)
- - Thompson Multimedia (if MP3 is used)
- - Macrovision (if Macrovision encoding processing is used)
- - DVD Copy Control Association (if CSS encryption is used)
These royalties are subject to change as the licensing rules
and agreements are modified.
This is not intended to be a complete list of all royalties
due. Each project is different so the royalties will vary with the features used
on the disc.
If your project does not use any features requiring royalty
fees, such as a DVD-ROM disc, then no additional royalty charges will apply.
Please contact Xtreem Technology if we may be of any
assistance at or use our Quick Quote system
for specific pricing information.